With COVID-19 making headlines every day, it’s easy to feel like your health is up to fate right now. However, there are plenty of ways you can empower yourself and take control of your wellness. One of the best ways to protect yourself and your family against viruses is to boost your immune system – and that mission isn’t as difficult as it may sound! Here are a few immune-boosting habits you can start right now for better immunity.
Be a sleeping beauty
The first immune-boosting habit is one we can’t get enough of: sleep! Sleep is a powerful weapon in our body’s immune arsenal, in fact the body’s inflammatory markers go up with sleep deprivation. But as we all know, getting enough quality sleep isn’t as simple as turning off the lights. Try creating a sleep hygiene routine to decompress before bed and your body will thank you for it.
Take nutrition up a notch
Being on lockdown can start to feel like one long (arguably boring) holiday, and it’s easy to fall into a food rut, constantly grazing on whatever golden-brown snacks are easiest to grab. But nutrition is one of the most powerful forces we can use to improve our health.
Eating fresh fruits and vegetables, getting enough fibre, and supplementing your diet with quality vitamins and minerals have all been proven to boost your immunity. Try creating a new habit of starting the day with a superfood smoothie and your favourite immune-boosting supplements from Bioharmony.
Exercise to keep bugs away
The couch potatoes among us will be sad to hear that vigorous exercising doesn’t actually dampen the immune system. But that doesn’t mean you need to start indoor triathlon training to stay healthy.
Plenty of research shows that moderate, regular exercise is amazing for building immunity. This has to do with both the physical and mental effects of exercise. Exercise improves circulation, which helps your body’s immune cells to travel around efficiently. Regular exercisers also enjoy more positive moods due to the endorphins released by physical activity. Why not break up your workday with twenty minutes of light exercise before lunch? It’ll boost your immune system and give your day more structure, too.
Switch smoke breaks for minutes of meditation
We all know smoking is bad for our lungs, but it turns out that this vice is just as damaging to the immune system. A single cigarette can depress the cilia in your nasal passages for forty minutes, shutting down an important immune barrier against airborne viruses. But quitting isn’t easy at the best of times. Instead of white knuckling the urge for a cigarette, try replacing the habit with a new routine that’s proven to relax you in a much healthier way.
Deep breathing and meditation is a scientifically proven way to calm down your body and your mind. Set a goal to try a new breathing technique every day. You’ll be conquering the nicotine urges and boosting your immune system too.
With these new immune-boosting habits in your life, you’ll be investing in your body and your health every day.
Always consult your doctor or registered healthcare professional for advice on taking supplements or making diet and lifestyle changes.